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Vikas Kamat
 Vikas Kamat is a programmer- entrepreneur living in Atlanta. This blog is a complex mix of Indian culture, life in southern USA, computer sciences, and sports. Opinions are his own.
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911 Aftermath Durable Link to this BLOG
The Aftermath

Washington Post: USA seeks help from Pakistan

Yeah. Right. While at it why not solicit help from Gadaffi, Saddam Hussain and Kim Jong Il ?

That was my first response. But thinking more about it, involving Pakistan might be a wise thing -- and probably necessary. This will force Pakistan to take a stand, hopefully against Taliban.

This might be a big moment for the leadership and the people of Pakistan... a time to open their minds to the wrongdoings they have been morally supporting, and an opportunity to bond with the rest of the world. I sincerely hope that the military and political leaders of Pakistan (however illegitimate their powers), grow mature to distinguish between the just and unjust causes, so we all can be friends again.

From the Indian perspective, if Pakistan decides not to co-operate, it might be good thing too. That will prompt a closer Indo-US nexus (India has the most intelligence about Taliban after Pakistan, and also has ties to Afghan citizens who are opposed to Taliban in Afghanistan.)

NDTV: Pak to support USA

Map Machine: Interactive Map of Afghanistan

Chain Letter: America the Good Neighbor
(Originally a radio broadcast, aired in 1973--as pointed to me by a patron)

I have already gotten many copies of this e-mail. It is a well written editorial, but assumes that no one else in the world thinks the same. Of course they do. I do, and everyone that I know feels the same -- that Americans are a generous, and unappreciated people. I disagree with the editorial in that, the other nations are unwilling to help -- I am sure that there are many societies and countries who will be honored to help America. And I am hoping (see above) that Pakistan will be among them.

Rediff: "It ain't over yet" -- Indian intelligence intercepts messages on further terrorist activity.

(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!)First Written: Thursday, September 13, 2001
Last Modified: 2/6/2003

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