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The Untold and Alternate Story of the Indian Subcontinent's War of Independence

Title:The Untold and Alternate Story of the Indian Subcontinent's War of Independence
Author:Ali Tahseen
Publication:African and Asian Studies / Brill Academic Publishers
Enumeration:Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.37 - 61
Abstract:When the Indian subcontinent became independent in August 1947, it marked the end of the foreign occupation of the largest country in the world. Renowned for his part in that long struggle for independence was the famous Mahatma Gandhi, the proponent of non-violence, and his western-educated disciple, Jawaharlal Nehru. Gandhi was said to have charmed the British with his strength and simplicity and compel them into withdrawing from the subcontinent. Yet against the background of Gandhi's famous struggle whispers of another movement were heard, complete with its own leaders and its own vision on the fight for freedom. This paper takes a closer look at that struggle, and its efficacy in the quest for Indian independence. What were its goals and its guiding principles? How did it compare with Gandhi's struggle? This is the untold and alternate story of the Indian subcontinent's war of independence, and the men and women whose sacrifices created an immortal saga of patriotism.

Source of Abstract: Provided by Publisher


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