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Multiple-Agents To Identify And Separate Touching Digits In Unconstrained Handwritten Hindi Numerals

Title:Multiple-Agents To Identify And Separate Touching Digits In Unconstrained Handwritten Hindi Numerals
Authors:Reda Alhajj and Faruk Polat
Publication:Journal Of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence / Taylor & Francis
Enumeration:Vol. 15, No. 4 pp. 461 - 471 , March 2003
Abstract:This paper presents a multiagent-based approach to the identification and recognition of touching in free handwritten Hindi numerals. We do not restrict our domain to touching pairs; rather, we consider numerals with arbitrary number of digits. Two agents are presented in this paper. The first agent works directly on the scanned image of the original handwritten number. It locates possible touching based on the thickness of handwriting. The other agent works on the thinned image. It segments the image into four categories of segments and tries to locate possible touching based on the rules that govern the connection of segments to form digits. After each of the two agents applies its own rules and investigates candidate possible touching cases, and to increase touching recognition rate, the two agents negotiate and try to agree on the actual touching cases. The experiments conducted so far are promising and successful. The obtained results are very encouraging with a success factor of 92.7%.

Source of Abstract: Provided by Publisher


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