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Vikas Kamat
 Vikas Kamat is a programmer- entrepreneur living in Atlanta. This blog is a complex mix of Indian culture, life in southern USA, computer sciences, and sports. Opinions are his own.
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Killing Yaseer Arafat Durable Link to this BLOG
Killing Yaseer Arafat

BBC: Israel Considers Killing Arafat

Q: What's the difference between Israelis killing Arafat and Palestinians killing Sharon ?
A: None

As a boy, after I learnt about Gandhi's satyagraha system, I had asked my father on why did the British take Gandhi so seriously. "Why didn't they let Gandhi starve to death, or kill him like they killed others?" I'd asked.

"Killing an unknown freedom fighter was not same as killing Gandhi, son", dad had explained. He said that in the event that Gandhi had died in prison or even a rumor that the British had killed Gandhi, would have been enough for India to go up in flames against the British. Every Englishman on Indian soil would have been butchered in the ensuing violence, he'd opined. "Gandhi was the father of a nation!", he'd exclaimed.

Whether we like it or not, Yaseer Arafat is the father of a nation. A nation ..long supressed, trying to find its utterance...

(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!)First Written: Sunday, September 14, 2003
Last Modified: 9/14/2003

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